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VCR-Z coupled with a TDE

It is a small but sturdy die-cast stand studied to make it easy for all users of Video Check Roll to examine easily very small objects that are difficult to handle (e.g. small tools or diamonds tips used for engraving).

By simply removing the video-optical group from the base of the VCR and inserting it into the upper housing of the Three Dimensional Explorer (TDE), the system acquires the features of a professional laboratory video microscope for quality control.

All of this, is possible thanks to the micro-mechanism system fitted to the TDE which allows the rotating, tilting, raising, lowering and moving to the left and right of small objects under examination.

VCR-Z Lite with TDE VCR with TDE

Different lighting systems present in the TDE (diascopic or episcopic) allow to observe on a monitor, carefully, all sides of the cut and its efficiency to be assessed. Obviously, the use of the TDE can be much more varied, according to the sector in which the VCR are being used.

Stand for TDE
The Three Dimensional Explorer is a robust carriage made in injection-moulded aluminium, which, together with its accessories, allows the video-exploration of every small detail of an object.

TDE details
1 - Acrylic magnetic support
(code SPT TDE 000218)
2 - 90° otating plate (optional)
(code SPT TDE 000219)
3 - Vice with magnetic mounts (optional)
(code SPT TDE 000220)
4 - Extension ring for objectives
(code SPT TDE 000221)


The small object under examination is a diamond-edged tool used for incisions on cylinders in the graphics sector.
The TDE system allows you to inspect small objects all over, with different types of illumination: diascopic and episcopic.




(Click on images to enlarge)
Printed Circuit Examining a metallographic sample of a printed circuit is now, more than ever, a must for those companies who wish to improve their production standard quality through specific inspections.
Measuring difficult materials is now possible, easy, quick and inexpensive with the video equipment of the VCR series.


Set CX light Set CX light with magnetic spacers and objective CX-200.
code SPT OVT 000462
Spacer Additional spacer to be used on stand SE-VCR and TDE with set for coaxial light of the VCR series.
code SPT OVT 000463